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Food Fortunes

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This deck rules. I poured my entire being into these and I felt like I was going to die while I was making them. There are 78 cards and a 16 page, full color booklet all housed in a precious box. I illustrated, designed, and wrote everything. It was hard and also v fun.

Food Fortunes is very similar to tarot, but I made it without the intention of the suits lining up with the tradition RWS canon. However, I have heard compelling arguments for how Food Fortunes does line up.

If you're a tarot reader, these are great for sharpening your intuition. If you're not a tarot reader, these are great when you can't decide what to eat.

This playful take on tarot makes divining the sacred mysteries of "what's for dinner tonight?" a snap. Simply lay the cards out three at a time and voila—a meal appears, a vision from the spirit realm. This dining divination game can be played alone or with hungry friends to give apathetic appetites a mystical nudge in the right direction.

All of the really cool photos on yellow were taken by Tim Lampe. Food Fortunes is published by Chronicle Books.


  • Image of Food Fortunes
  • Image of Food Fortunes
  • Image of Food Fortunes
  • Image of Food Fortunes
  • Image of Food Fortunes